ALT Agorà – June 15, 2022 – Register Now!
Hi everyone! As previously announced, our even in June will look a bit different. This time, Agora will be like an open mic event. In short, instead of having a presenter talking about a topic, there will be specific breakout rooms where everyone will be able to share their stories and exchange ideas for the entire duration of the event. Previous presenters, long time attendees, new ones, everyone can join the discussion and add to it. The general idea is to open three rooms, for ES, JH, and SHS. However there are already requests for more topic specific discussions, like Special Needs, ICT in the Classroom and so on. At the start of the even, there will be a quick poll to decide on the topics.
Of course, talking is not mandatory. You can join us just to hear what people have to say. Who knows, you might find something you really want to talk about!
See you over there!
When: Wednesday, June 15, 2022, @7:30pm JST
***Please update your Zoom software to the latest version**
How to join: the link will be sent to your email address.
Follow us on FB: https://facebook.com/altagora