ALT Agorà – May 17, 2022 – Register Now!
Time for our monthly learning time! As you know, one of the goals of this event is also to give YOU the chance to lead a room and share, discuss, and explore with other teachers different topics related to teaching and education. This month we have three new presenters on stage covering topics such as team teaching, game-based language learning, and ICT. Which one will you choose this time? See you next week!

When: Tuesday, May 17, 2022, @7:30pm JST
***Please update your Zoom software to the latest version**
How to join: the link will be sent to your email address.
Follow us on FB: https://facebook.com/altagora
This month join us to talk about the following topics!
Room 1: Using Game-Based Language Learning (GBLL) in the classroom
Corey Cloyd (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education)
This presentation will briefly introduce why and how to incorporate Game-Based Language Learning into the EFL classroom. It is open to anyone but will be especially useful for those struggling with student motivation or low-level English proficiency. This presentation will outline the different types of content which can be taught with each game and their practical applications. Additionally, it will provide three concrete examples of simple PowerPoint games for textbook review, culture lessons, and proficiency assessments.
Room 2: Team Teaching and the Reality
Natsuho Mizoguchi (Shigakkan University)
English classes at junior high schools are usually taught by a certificated Japanese teacher (JTE) often with an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT). In such Team Teaching lessons, JTEs and ALTs are expected to work together to offer their students a better learning experience. However, sometimes JTEs find it difficult to make the most of having ALTs in the classroom. In this presentation, we will look at real Team Teaching situations and what JTEs think of them based on their survey responses.
Room 3: Multi leveling student activities in the classroom
Bryce Harris (Private&Public ES/JH/SHS English Teacher)
In this breakout room, I’ll discuss my own approach and experiences aimed at incorporating a multi-leveled approach to projects and activities as an ALT in the Japanese education system. I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences, too. I’m sure we’ll all learn a lot from each other!
The speakers that will join us for this event are:

Corey Cloyd (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education)
Corey is an ALT in Kyoto, Japan where he has been teaching High School English as a Foreign Language for the past three years. Prior to moving to Japan, he lived in Germany where he earned his MA in Intercultural German Studies/ Teaching German as a Foreign Language. He will soon leave Japan to start his PhD in German Studies at the University of Reading in the UK. His research focus is on sociolinguistics; language, nationalism, and identity formation; as well as migration and integration in intercultural societies.

Natsuho Mizoguchi (Shigakkan University)
Natsuho Mizoguchi is a part-time lecturer at Shigakkan University and Gifu High School. She was an English teacher at a junior high school last year. She studies English program coordination at Japanese universities.

Bryce Harris (Private&Public ES/JH/SHS English Teacher)
I’m an Australian and have been teaching in Japan since 2008. I have worked extensively in private elementary schools, public and private junior high schools, and private senior high schools. I have experience ranging from 1st grade elementary (across multiple subjects) through to graduating senior high school classes. My focus has always been to engage students of any and every level in the joy of learning and to help them overcome any particular difficulties that they may encounter – whether through frustration due to incomprehensibility of lessons or boredom induced by having to deal with lessons pitched way below their mental and linguistic competence.