ALT Agorà – September 13, 2023 – Register Now!
Another semester is upon us, and nothing goes with it better than a hearty helping of Agorà! We’re back this month with two topics to give you the boost you need in your classroom AND in your workplace. In one room, Bertram Mullin brings his vast experience to help you navigate your interpersonal workplace situations in a different culture. In the other room, veteran Namiko Tsuruta joins Agorà again to discuss strategies for piercing the superficiality and deepening your lessons using authentic materials and more. Don’t wait! Register today!
When: Wednesday, September 13, 2023, @7:30 pm JST
How to join: you will receive the link the day before the event (or on the same day!).
Follow us on FB: https://facebook.com/altagora

ROOM 1: Strategies in Maintaining a Healthy Work Environment for all When Team-Teaching in Japan
Speaker: Bertram Mullin
After being an ALT for nearly a decade, I decided to get my master’s and doctorate in teaching TESOL. In my time working from Kyushu to Hokkaido, I found out how to troubleshoot several situations while working with a different culture of people to that of my own. In this talk, I’d like to share that knowledge with strategies, book suggestions, work survival tips, subtle ways to motivate students, meeting etiquette guidelines, and hear your suggestions and experiences for each topic along the way.
ROOM 2: Moving Beyond EIKEN: Promoting English and Digital Literacy through Storytelling, Social Media and Project Based Learning
Speaker: Namiko Tsuruta
In this session, we will explore more meaningful ways to move beyond surface level assessments. There are many authentic resources available to connect our learners’ prior knowledge to the real world. The presenter will share some of her classroom activities which highlight Social and Emotional Learning, Career Education and Sustainability.
The speakers that will join us for this event are:

Bertram Mullin
B. A. Mullin, or Bertram in academia, or Bam to friends, clearly goes by several aliases to hide secrets. Mullin has over 100 publications in fiction throughout the world, some of which are organized at www.bamwrites.com. Additionally, Mullin has two academic works from 2022 and 2023. When he is not teaching part-time at five universities and a high school in Kansai, or working on research, writing, or his dissertation on computer-assisted pronunciation training technology, he goes hiking or to the gym. For any questions related or unrelated to what you should call him, email bamullin42@gmail.com

Namiko Tsuruta (Global Language Institute)
Namiko Tsuruta is a bilingual returnee who has trained HRTs, JTEs, and ALTs in f2f and online workshops all over Japan. She has taught English to learners in preschool and K-12 in various industries since 1999. She is currently the Program Director of Global Language Institute and the Creative Director of The Tokyo Life, a community website for foreign residents. She is the Program Co-Chair of Yokohama JALT and Membership Chair of ART SIG, and the recipient of two Michelle Steele Best of JALT awards for her online presentations on classroom engagement and diversity and inclusion in 2021. This year, she teaches 13 classes at a private high school where she integrates the arts, history, social media and English to empower her learners and inspire them to become lifelong learners.