EDU Café x ALT Agorà Collaboration Event – January 26, 2022 – Register Now!
This month the regular Edu-Café and the ALT Agorà initiatives have joined forces to put together a special event for ALTs, HRTs & JTEs.
2022年1月26日の会は、「外国語教育実践を語り合う会」と「ALT Agora」の共同開催となります。
The title of this event is “Building bridges between team teachers”, and it will focus on the dynamics that exist between teachers and assistant language teachers in schools when it comes to foreign language education.
During the scheduled 90 minutes, four speakers (read more about them below!) will introduce the topic, highlight specific points and moderate a series of themed breakout rooms where participants are invited to share their concerns and suggestions based on their experience. An unfiltered discussion between JTE/HRT teachers and assistant language teachers coming from different backgrounds (direct hire ALTs, JET and dispatch) towards mutual understanding and effective team teaching. Other parties involved in education in Japan are also welcome to join and actively contribute to the discussion.

Event: EDUxAgorà – Building bridges between team teachers
When: January 26, 2022 @7:00pm JST (90 min)
***Please update your Zoom software to the latest version**
How to join: the link will be sent to your email address.
Follow us on FB: https://facebook.com/altagora
BREAKOUT ROOMS / ブレイクアウト セッション トピック
Room 1: Why do you act like this? Understanding each other’s actions
Room 2: It is not about you (or me)! Collaborating with each other
Room 3: It is not just about the language: Thinking of teachers’ roles and education
The speakers that will join us for this event are:

Gaby Benthien (Shumei and Chuo University)
Gaby Benthien is a professor at Shumei University and adjunct lecturer at Chuo University. She taught Japanese and PE at a secondary school in Australia from 1991 to 1999 as well as Japanese at a group of primary schools, and then worked as an ALT in Yamanashi for six years. She is currently teaching classes related to culture, general English and L2 education in primary schools. Gaby’s research interests include intercultural understanding, L2 motivation and teacher development.

Daniel Pearce (Kyoto Notre Dame University)
My name is Daniel Pearce, and I am currently working as a teacher-researcher at Kyoto Notre Dame University. I was an ALT in several high schools of the Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture between 2008 and 2013. Since I moved to Kyoto, I have undertaken the JTE licensing program at Kyoto University, and now collaborate on several research/teacher training programs from the elementary to the senior high school level. My research interests include team teaching and plurilingual/pluricultural competence.

Linfeng Wang (University of Fukui)
My name is Linfeng Wang, and I am currently working for an M.Ed. program at the Graduate School of Professional Development of Teachers at the University of Fukui. The M.Ed. program is a school-based teacher education program for the professional development of both pre-service and in-service teachers. As a teacher educator, I have been supporting K-12 teachers at different stages of their careers in Japanese public schools since 2017. Given my background as a language teacher, my research interests also include foreign language materials development, and classroom teaching and learning.

Nicholas J. Wilson (ALT Training Online)
Nicholas J. Wilson teaches English in public elementary schools in Nagano and is a Google Certified Educator focused on fostering students’ 21st-century skills through foreign language education. An active JALT officer, Nicholas also organizes independent professional development opportunities for ALTs including Agorà, a monthly interactive live event as part of the ALT Training Online grassroots initiative.