ALT Agorà – September 13, 2023 – Register Now!
Another semester is upon us, and nothing goes with it better than a hearty helping of Agorà! We’re back this month with two topics to give you the boost you need in your…
ALT Agorà – August 23, 2023 – Register Now!
Happy summer break, y’all! This month, ALT Agorà will be hosting our semi-annual Open Mic Night! This event is a chance for people to freely talk, share ideas, and ask questions among people…
ALT Agorà – July 18, 2023 – Register Now!
The heat is on! Summer break is just around the corner, and Agorà is back this July with a special spotlight speaker. Professor Takaaki Hiratsuka of Ryukoku University joins us this month to…
ALT Agorà – June 14, 2023 – Register Now!
With the rainy season bearing down upon us, Agorà shines through this June with two fantastic returning speakers! In the first room, Namiko Tsuruta discusses how teachers can engage with the ubiquitous EIKEN…
ALT Agorà – May 23, 2023 – Register Now!
Energized from Golden Week or shaking off those post-vacation blues? Agorà returns again this May to help you get back in the saddle! This month, we’re proud to bring you two talks to…
ALT Agorà – April 19, 2023 – Register Now!
The cherry trees bloom, taxes are due, and the school-year starts anew. This April, Agorà springs forth with another pair of fantastic speakers to help you prepare for a new year of challenges…
YOJALT presents Minecraft for Language Learning – March 19, 2023
ALT Agorà is proud to be a co-sponsor of YOJALT’s Minecraft for Language Learning event, March 19th at 10am JST. There’s still time to register for the reflective mode, so please see below…
ALT Agorà – March 7, 2023 – Register Now!
As the school year comes to a close, Agorà comes early this month to bring you two practical topics to help you prepare for the next school year with plenty of time to…
ALT Agorà – February 15, 2023 – Register Now!
February – love is in the air, and Agorà is by your side. This month, we have two fantastic topics by two fantastic speakers for you to choose from. In one room, a…
ALT Agorà – January 17, 2023 – Register Now!
New year, new beginnings. As vacations end and we all start trudging back happily returning to the classroom, Agorà is here to help you again! This month we have two breakout rooms for…